It was his words against theirs as the family of Kayode insisted that Hauwa is a no-go-area for him, as far as marriage is concerned.
Hauwa had no previous dealings with any member of Kayode’s family, yet it was rejection at first sight as she appeared in his household.
“Ladies with her kind of height hardly get pregnant”
“People from where she hails rarely last a decade in their husbands’ house; they either pack out or die out”
“She sounded too educated to be a submissive and a respectful wife and daughter-in-law”
These and many more were the predictions made against Kayode’s wife-to-be.
Kayode didn’t care about what anyone felt. He hadn’t brought his fiancée to get approval. He simply came to create awareness. When the man wouldn’t give in, his parents, siblings, and relatives gave way.
The knot was tied, and a new life began for the two love birds.
Day turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into twelve (12) long years, Kayode and Hauwa were still wondering why it hasn’t clicked for them in terms of getting pregnant. The season was tough and gruesome for them, but they were doing very well keeping faith in each other while refusing to accept their fate.
In the process of time, Kayode was scheduled for surgery, but he never came out alive.
A few weeks into her journey of widowhood, Hauwa discovered she was pregnant!
“Blatant liar”. ” Stupid adulterer”
“The thing must be a bastard!”
“He should rather be named Ichabod”
“The witch had sacrificed our son for a stranger”
“An abominable child”
Hauwa had never been this lonely. Even some of her own relatives assented to these allegations as they abandoned her to carry her cross all alone……
All that Hauwa needs is someone, even if just one, who could see differently from Hauwa’s accusers.
How I wish the person is you!
Many Hauwa’s are around you in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, …….
You can’t imagine how much they need you – I mean YOU!!!
Look out now and reach out to them.